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Calella / Pineda / Santa Susanna / Malgrat de Mar

The terrain and the roads that connect the towns of Calella, Pineda, Santa Susanna and Malgrat is flat. The best path that connects these towns is the one that runs in front of the sea. Many sections have a bicycle lane and the rest are very restricted to the circulation of vehicles. It is a safe way to go by bicycle.

Santa Susanna
Pineda de Mar
Pineda de Mar

Go to Sant Pol de Mar / Canet de Mar / Arenys de Mar / Caldes d'Estrac / Sant Vicens de Montalt / Llavaneres

The path or road is practically flat, but there is always a climb to change town. From Calella to Canet you must go along the NII road. There is a gentle climb at the Calella Lighthouse and Sant Pol.

The rest is flat and the road has a good shoulder for bicycles.

From Canet to Arenys there is a dirt road next to the beach which is signposted for bicycles and is flat

From Caldes d'Estrac to Llavaneres there is a promenade with a wide sidewalk but there is no exclusive lane for bicycles. It is flat.

NII Calella / Sant Pol
Calella / Sant Pol / Canet
Canet de Mar
Arenys de Mar

Go to Blanes from Santa Susanna / Malgrat de Mar

The road to Blanes is flat. We continue along the path in front of the sea to the campsites area (Punta del Tordera restaurant). Here we turn left along the path between agricultural fields to reach the bridge over the Tordera River.  Once we have crossed the river there is a path along the river that leads between agricultural fields and campsites to the beach promenade in Blanes.  If you do not choose this path you can continue along the road 200 meters to the roundabout where you have to turn right to enter the street that you will ride to the promenade of the beach in Blanes .From here you can already visit every corner of Blanes...

Malgrat de Mar
Malgrat de Mar
Malgrat de Mar / Blanes

Go to Lloret de Mar i Tossa de Mar

From Blanes to Lloret, the best route is the GI 682 road which has a wide shoulder that offers safety to the cyclist.   The terrain is relatively flat except for the climb up a hill, but it is suitable and accessible to most people.  Just after from the Hospital de Blanes begins ans uphill section that runs for 300 meters. It only remains to go down to reach Lloret.

From Lloret to Tossa de Mar you have to go along the GI682 road. The shoulders are wide and there are many bicycles, but you should know that the of 12 km that separate it from Lloret de Mar, 6 kilometers  are uphill, and the some sections are demanding.

Blanes / Lloret de Mar
Lloret de Mar / Tossa de Mar
Lloret de Mar / Tossa de Mar

Go to Palafolls i Tordera

The road is practically flat. We can go along Avenida Costa Brava to the roundabout that leads to Marineland and Palafolls. Here there is a small climb, or you can also go along the beach to the Camino de la Pomereda and from here to the bridge over the river. We will pass underneath and continue to another bridge which will also pass underneath it and we are enter in Palafolls.

To continue to Tordera we cross the centre of Palafolls and take the path of “pla de la Ginesta” (paved) that will take us to Tordera. We can also take the Camino de Can Puigvert (dirt road), between agricultural fields.

Camí de la Pomereda (Malgrat de Mar)
Camí Pla de la Ginesta (Palafolls / Tordera)
Camí Can Puigvert (Palafolls / Tordera)
Camí Can Puigvert (Palafolls / Tordera)

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